
Unsere Partner

Neben unserer Partnerschaft mit netwiss zum Thema Förderberatung arbeiten wir nur mit den besten Experten zusammen. Darüber hinaus arbeiten wir ausschließlich mit den besten Experten im Bereich Software, IT und Agilen Methoden zusammen.


Lerne unsere Partner kennen

Ihre Erfolgsgeschichte: Die Menschen, die dahinter stehen

Ohne euch wäre es nicht möglich.

Benjamin Kabelik

Expert in Remote Sensing and Data Science

Expert Skills:


Benjamin is distinguished as one of the few individuals in Europe capable of providing a full-spectrum remote sensing service. His expertise spans from conducting flight operations to processing the data collected. Furthermore, his proficiency in utilizing advanced methodologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence for data analysis positions him as a leading expert in innovation within the fields of data and artificial intelligence. This unique combination of skills enables him to offer unparalleled support to his clients, delivering comprehensive solutions tailored to their needs.

Martin Zimmerl

Agile Coach & Digital Transformation & Business Analysis

Expert Skills:


Hari Ravi

Expert in Machine Learning

Expert Skills:


Flooris van der Walt

Executive Coach and Trainer for Organizational Change

Expert Skills:


Boris Magaš

Expert Agile Coach

Expert Skills:


Michael Göbharter

Expert Corporate Governance

Expert Skills:


With more than 23 Years of IT Exerience Michael is an excellent… Telecommunication Industry

Jakob Majnek

Expert Systems Architecture

Expert Skills:


Jürgen Szolay

Veteran Scrum Master

Expert Skills:


Patrick Homm

Expert Agile Transformation

Expert Skills:


Patrick is an exceptional Leader in the Software Development field. With only 32 years old he is responsible for 250+ employees. His career is characterized by impressive focus on people and technology.

Johannes K. Wieser

CEO qubitec.io, Entrepreneur

Expert Skills:


Johannes founded qubitec.io, createt several startups and is a generalist in IT. His Background is Software Engineering, IT Management and Data Science as well as Communication.