
Success connects

Successful projects

For years, we have maintained a close collaboration with netwiss OG, where a clear division of labor has been established: while netwiss brings its expertise in the funding area, we provide the know-how in software development.

Discretion is particularly important to us in this partnership, as many of our clients come to us with innovative ideas. For this reason, confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. Nevertheless, netwiss publishes both its own and selected customer projects on their website to provide insights into their successful work.

It is noteworthy that all of these projects have been financed through grants. Especially in the mobility sector, netwiss has a pronounced specialization, which we complement with software development expertise.

The partnership with netwiss OG

In combining our software expertise with netwiss’ funding know-how, we offer the ideal partnership for the realization of subsidized software projects. netwiss OG is a research and development company specialized in mobility (rail, aviation, multimodal transport) and THE expert for grants in Austria. All projects implemented by netwiss for many years have been financed by public funds. This has led to the development of grant consulting services, as other companies have become aware of netwiss.

netwiss website: Link
