
Innovative projects can be funded

Innovation is the key to success

Is my project even eligible for funding? What types of projects can be funded? What projects does the Austrian government want to support?

Together, we will assess the funding potential for your company.


Innovation = Risk

The funding provider has correctly recognized that innovation inherently involves risk. And the central reason why grants exist is that the Austrian government wants to mitigate or at least significantly reduce this risk for companies. This is achieved through grants.

This naturally leads to a higher attractiveness of the Austrian business location as well as to a better future economic situation in the country.

That's why there are grants, and that's why innovation is specifically promoted


How does the funding organisation understand innovation?

For the funding provider, innovation entails both technical and substantive novelty in your project. This novelty must be present; otherwise, it's challenging to obtain innovation funding. Innovation can take the form of hardware, software, or a combination of both, as well as through a novel business model.

We've seen hundreds of projects and would be happy to discuss your idea with you. With decades of experience, we are experts in refining existing ideas with you. Typically, we act as a sparring partner, coaching our clients to think "bigger, further, and more innovatively."

We aim to delve into the realm of actual innovation with you, not merely relying on existing tools but truly developing new approaches "from scratch." Especially when the path to implementation is still unknown, we believe we're on the right track towards real innovations.

Your idea - successful with us.

Not every project is eligible for funding, and that's something we must make clear. We work on a success-based model, and therefore, both your time and ours are precious. However, many ideas can be developed, expanded, or thought of in a larger context to make them eligible for funding. That's where we come in.
However, we want to explicitly state: EVERYONE is welcome to share their idea or project with us. We will take the time to listen to it.
In software development, the following principles can generally determine whether an innovation grant has potential:
-It involves individually developed software or hardware (or a combination thereof).
-It presents a novel concept or use case.
-It incorporates innovative technology.
-It constitutes a new technology itself.

Characteristics may include:
-Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
-High degree of data utilization and integration
-Adoption of emerging technologies such as Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Quantum Computing, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), AI-driven automation and robotics, and much more.
-Sustainable technologies and green energy aiming for environmental protection and resource conservation.

Innovation doesn't always require novel technologies. A new algorithm or technological approach can lead to innovation without the need for blockchain or quantum computing.

The best innovations are easy to explain and describe. Since we've seen hundreds of projects, we can advise you on how to make your project innovatively eligible for funding. That's what we're professionals at, and that's why we're here.

Talk to us; we'll assess whether your project is promising.