
Funding advice - questions and answers

Welcome to the funding jungle

FAQs - Frequently asked Questions

Innovation and project development are exciting fields, but we also understand that they can raise their own challenges and questions. Particularly when it comes to funding and subsidies, specific questions often arise.

Here at qubitec.io, we believe in transparency and open dialogue. That’s why we’ve created this special ‘Questions and Answers’ page for you. Our goal is to answer your burning questions about funding consultation and provide you with helpful information.

You’ll find answers to frequently asked questions on various topics such as the process of funding consultation, the requirements for applying for funding, and much more. We’ve tried to make the information as clear and understandable as possible.

If your question isn’t answered here, don’t hesitate to contact us or join the Linkedin community where we exchange ideas.

Funding advice is a service in which we support you in identifying suitable funding opportunities for your project and in preparing and submitting your funding applications.

Our working method is based on the principle that costs for our funding consultancy services are only incurred if funding is actually received. The only exception is the commitment fee, which is charged once per company (not per project!) as a down payment before the project starts. Find out more on the page “Success-based offer”

The time it takes to receive a decision can vary depending on the funding programme, but on average you should expect a period of a few weeks to a few months.

Yes, it is generally possible to apply for several grants at the same time. However, there are certain rules to be observed in order to avoid double funding. Double funding for the same project is illegal.

The duration of a funding consultation can vary depending on the complexity of your project and your individual needs. On average, however, you should expect a lead time of around 8 weeks for innovation projects until submission (excluding the duration of the funding body).

Applications for funding for innovation projects must be submitted before the start of the project. In exceptional cases (e.g. research premium), however, retrospective applications can also be submitted.

To apply for funding, you generally need a detailed project plan, a financial plan, further documentary evidence of the feasibility and innovation of your project and a project description.

Yes, there are various funding programmes that are specifically tailored to the needs of start-ups and SMEs.

Yes, there are a large number of funding programmes at both national and EU level. We can help you to identify the right programmes for your project.
However, experience has shown that funding programmes at state and federal level are completely sufficient (up to 7-digit projects)

This does not happen often, but when it does, it is not a disaster. We receive a reason for rejection from the funding body, which we analyse in detail together and, depending on the project and funding programme, decide to resubmit to the same or a different funding programme. As a rule, a case like this is a learning experience. We then continue to work together until the funding programme is successful.

Funding counselling is suitable for all Austrian companies that are planning an innovative project, especially with software development, and are looking for financial support.

In principle, innovative projects in the fields of technology, science, research and development can be funded. However, the exact criteria may vary depending on the funding programme.

We work for results, not for hours. Our success-based payment model always creates a team with a common goal – to successfully obtain funding. We therefore only work on projects that we ourselves consider to be innovative and worthy of funding, as we don’t want to waste your time or ours.

As part of our funding consultation, we analyse your project in terms of its eligibility for funding and help you to find the right funding programmes.
Book an appointment to get to know us at any time.

The likelihood of receiving funding depends on many factors, such as the quality of your application, how well it fits the funding guidelines and the level of innovation of your project.
We have an average success rate of 80%, but there is no guarantee. We work with the highest possible quality and 20+ years of insider know-how to get the probability of success as high as possible.

No, subsidies are generally non-repayable, provided that the subsidised projects are implemented as planned.

We support you in all phases of the funding process: from the identification of suitable funding programmes to the preparation and submission of the funding application through to the implementation and documentation of the project. Even after the application phase, when you are realising your project, we are your contact for accounting, interim reports and everything else that arises.

If your application is rejected, we analyse the reasons and work with you to develop an improved version of the application or look for alternative funding options.

In principle, you can also submit your funding application yourself. However, we recommend using our services to increase your chances of successful approval.

Depending on the complexity of the project and the funding programme, it can take several days to several weeks to prepare a funding application.

The earlier you take advantage of a funding consultation, the better. This way, you can ensure that all funding criteria are taken into account from the outset and increase your chances of successful funding.