
Freedom and learning from the best

At qubitec.io we support your growth, both personally and professionally.

The focus at qubitec is on growing and learning. Not just as an employee, but as a person. Because we rely on you. Our principles are:

It’s different with us, just get in touch, we’re here.

Our core values are freedom, joy, growth, openness, trust, respect and courage – they characterise our culture and way of working.

Freedom: – our guiding value: freedom of place, time, financial and emotional freedom are our compass.

Joy: Positivity and fun should not only take place in our free time, we exemplify it and pass it on to others, because it makes our work better.

Openness: We dare to say everything we think, always. Whether junior, senior or founder, we are equal and so are our opinions.

Trust: We deliberately avoid a “command & control” system and hierarchies. This conviction was the impetus for me to become an entrepreneur, as I am firmly convinced that true collaboration can only be based on trust. If something doesn’t work, we don’t react with pressure and stress but address and solve the cause and then we move on.

Respect: We respect each other as valuable, equal individuals.

Courage: we dare to try new things, even if they are “out of the ordinary”.

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We work
remote agile results-orientated together


We don't act according to the principle "it has to be this way because it is this way" - at least for the things that are within our sphere of influence. If a procedure or process doesn't make sense, we throw it overboard and recreate it. We regularly scrutinise ourselves critically.


Our attitude to life is positive and we approach life with this joy. We love our work, our customers and innovation. If you are also looking for a place where you can learn and find your passion, we are the right people for you. "we love technology"


Old, hierarchical organisations often come up against generational conflicts. Our organisation is different: we particularly value the perspectives and world views of the younger generations. Our aim is to learn from you and integrate your views rather than impose ours on you.

From person to person at eye level.

As the founder, I and our partners are experts in their fields – some of them international – but we believe that everyone can learn from everyone else. For me personally, it is important to learn from everyone

Gemeinsam ermitteln wir das Förderpotenzial für Ihre Firma.

From person to person at eye level.

As the founder, I and our partners are experts in their fields – some of them international – but we believe that everyone can learn from everyone else. For me personally, it is important to learn from everyone.

Together we determine the promotion potential for your company.