
The FFG Basic Programme: Your comprehensive guide to maximising your research funding in Austria


The FFG Basic Program is a central pillar of research and innovation funding in Austria. This article provides you with a comprehensive guide to maximizing your funding through the FFG Basic Program.

What is the FFG Basic Program?

The FFG Basic Program is an initiative of the Austrian federal government aimed at supporting research and innovation in businesses. It is open to companies in all sectors and provides financial support for projects that contribute to technological advancement in Austria.

How much money can you get with the FFG Basic Program?

The amount of funding you can receive through the FFG Basic Program depends on various factors, including the type and size of your company, the nature of the project, and the degree of innovation sought. However, generally, you can expect funding of up to 50% of your eligible costs. The maximum funding amount is usually 500,000 euros, while the average funding amount is around 200,000 euros.

How to apply for funding under the FFG Basic Program

Applying for funding under the FFG Basic Program requires careful preparation and planning. You need to develop a convincing project proposal and fill out the appropriate application forms. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and criteria of the program and consider them when preparing your application.

What projects are supported under the FFG Basic Program?

The FFG Basic Program supports a wide range of projects, from basic research to applied research projects. Both individual and collaborative projects are funded. Some examples of supported projects include the development of new products, processes, or services, improving existing technologies, or accessing new markets.

Tips and tricks for successful application

To increase your chances of a successful application, take sufficient time to prepare and thoroughly inform yourself about the requirements and criteria of the FFG Basic Program. Ensure that your project has a clear innovative content and that the planned activities are well-structured and realistic. Also, avoid raising unrealistic expectations regarding the results of your project.


The FFG Basic Program offers a valuable opportunity to promote research and innovation in your company. Through careful preparation and realistic planning, you can maximize your chances of a successful application and thus financial support.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between the FFG Basic Program and other funding programs? The FFG Basic Program is characterized by its flexibility and openness to projects in all technology areas and business sizes. In contrast to other programs, which are often focused on specific industries or technologies, projects from all technology areas can be submitted to the FFG Basic Program.

How long does the application process typically take? The application process typically takes three to four months from submission to decision.

What happens if my application is rejected? If your application is rejected, you have the opportunity to submit a revised application. It is also advisable to consider the feedback from the reviewers and improve any weaknesses in your application.

What is the maximum funding amount I can achieve? According to FFG, the maximum funding amount is 3,000,000 euros, but it depends on the project and individual factors.

What is the average funding amount that companies in my industry receive? The average funding amount varies depending on the industry and type of project. However, generally, it is around 500,000 euros.