
On a success-based model with an 80% success rate:

Easily navigate through the bureaucratic jungle to obtain funding

For businesses:

Together, we will determine the funding potential for your company.

Are you concerned about the rising software development costs, especially for domestic professionals? With our success-based consulting offering, you can save 6-7 figure budgets within a short period, without any risk.

We are working
On a success based model  Risk free With an 80% success rate Resource-efficient
For you

Do you know the challenges?

High personnel costs.

Are the rising personnel costs in IT, software, and product development keeping you up at night?

The funding jungle is too complex

Have you already had frustrating experiences with grants, wasting resources or achieving disappointing results?

Cost pressure from abroad

You're considering turning to external development firms or outsourcing but are aware that this might not be the ideal solution for your company?

With over 6000 funding programs in Austria, innovation is the decisive factor for success. With our decades of expertise in software development and funding matters, we guide you on the path to securing your first significant funding sum or optimizing your existing grants. And all of this is done on a success-based model, without any risk for your company!

Together, we will determine the funding potential for your company

This is what you can expect


Up to €600,000* in the first project

From the second project onwards, seven-figure amounts are possible*


Success-based payment

Minimizes your risk and does not add an additional cost factor.


80% success rate

Above the average of our clients


approx. 8 weeks until submission

So you can reach your goal quickly

Our services include: analysis, funding identification, application submission, and support until the completion of your software project. Our goal is to maximize funding with minimal administrative burden for you. Whether funding is granted does not depend on the company size. However, the company size may influence the amount of funding granted.

*The specific funding amount depends on many factors and may be higher or lower.

Together, we will determine the funding potential for your company.

Who are we?


qubitec.io and netwiss og are your dream team for successful grants! With 15 years of experience in funding matters at netwiss and over 10 years of expertise in software development at qubitec, we know all the tricks in the technical field and bureaucratic jungle. In grants, innovation is crucial. Together, we comprehensively and effectively set you on the path to success!


250 projects per year

We know the funding jungle.


25 years of experience

15 years in funding and 10 years in software development.


80% success rate

On average among our clients


Full Service

We accompany from kick-off to software release.

Here you can view successfully funded projects

Gemeinsam ermitteln wir das Förderpotenzial für Ihre Firma.

Personal consultation with Johannes Wieser
