
On a success-based model with an 80% success rate:

The path to funding

Success is not a coincidence but the result of deliberate planning and execution. With us, you will efficiently and effectively access your funding. We not only navigate you through the funding jungle but also secure your path to success through a well-founded and proven approach. With us, you have a strong partner by your side, bringing your project goal within reach.

Duration: approx. 30 min
Getting to know each other

In a 30-minute introductory meeting, we clarify the basics of whether your company and project are eligible for funding.

within approx. 10 days
Duration: 1h
Free individual initial consultation

Here we delve deep together, alongside an expert from netwiss, we analyze your situation more closely and clarify all the detailed questions that need to be addressed before starting our collaboration.

at any time

You make the decision stress-free whether you want to proceed with the collaboration. Once this decision is made, the collaboration officially begins.

within 1 week
Duration: 2-3 hours
Kickoff & project setup

We allocate 2-3 hours to be concrete and precise, ideally in a face-to-face meeting. Together, we delve into the project planning and develop a strategic workflow. We also leverage our software expertise to facilitate effective communication. We organize ourselves agilely for the upcoming weeks of collaboration.

immediately afterwards
Duration approx. 4-6 weeks
Write request

In the spirit of agility, we work together on writing the proposal. We rely on simple, short communication channels and work hands-on to reach the first version of the proposal as quickly as possible, without compromising on quality

1 week
Duration: approx. 1 week
Ensure quality

Here, we simulate the funding agency in order to achieve perfect application quality. Experts from the funding sector put the application through its paces and provide comprehensive feedback.

max. 1 week
Duration: approx. 1 week

The corrections developed must be incorporated together during this phase

max. 1 week
Duration: approx. 1 week

Specialists from netwiss submit the funding application directly to the funding agency via eCall.

depending on the
depending on the funding programme
Decision of the funding body

You will receive notification from the funding agency. Approx. 80% of our applications are positive on average across all projects.

depending on
the subsidy
depending on the funding programme
Promotion payments

The payment cycles depend on the respective funding programme. For example, the FFG Basic Programme provides grants for innovation projects immediately after the positive decision in order to have cash flow for implementation,

depending on project duration
Ongoing support and billing

We also provide ongoing support after submission to ensure smooth progress, especially during interim reports or project completion, particularly in invoicing.

Long-term partnership

Typically, our initial clients evolve into long-term partnerships. Follow-up projects generally have a higher probability of being eligible for funding.